Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree!

At our house Gunther the good ole' elf on the shelf came for the holiday season.  And we went and got our Christmas tree.  Its a great tradition that we do every year.  Here are a few snap-shots!


Thanksgiving was wonderful and filled with food and family! My kids just ate up all the love at Grandma's and Grandpa's house!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My birthday 2012

For my birthday this year we had a girls night in Bellevue! We ate, danced, drank, laughed and even stayed in a hotel! Basically- we killed it! So much fun......


Monday, November 19, 2012


Two weeks ago we headed to Disney on Ice. We had so much fun and everyone loved the show.  Disney does an amazing job-it was magical!
 Sissy Pants
 Pure Joy
 Grandpa got Mia a 12.00 snow cone and I would like to state for the record he would have NEVER bought us that when we were little.  From now on if I want something I will have Mia ask him ;)
 So fun to experience the show with friends!

 I got to go with Rumpunzel- how lucky!
 Daddy stayed home with Bud!

 And.......... someone had a little too much fun!  How can one picture make me furious and laugh at the same time????

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween success again!  This year was by far the best! Mia was totally into trick-or-treating.  All the kids were to sweet going door to door with amazing manners.  I was so proud of all of them :)  Auntie Sissy wouldn't miss her favorite holiday for anything!
 The bride and the dino with Grandma
 The bride
 My little trick-or-treaters
 My boy
 IHS class of 2000! Look how far we have come ;)
 Baby Tanna and Bud
 Getting ready to go trick-or-treating!
 Ryan's first trick-or-treating experience. He got a coupon for a krispy creme. Not a bad start....
 Sissy pants and I had some amazing costumes!
 Mia killed trick-or-treating
 Worlds best grandparents! I cannot be happier for my kids that they have such awesome Grandparents!
 Ryan and his best buddy Fig! How cute that they planned to have matching costumes :)
 On our way home and eating all the loot.
 This kid has personality for days, she gets it from her Auntie Jami
 A little late night coloring sesh with Grandpa!