Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer time and the livin's easy (for Mia and Ryan)

We kicked off summer with strawberry picking (I love Fig in the backround in a berry box)

 Then we had the lemonade stand on Alexa's 9th birthday!
 My little baker baking cupcakes to sell at the lemonade stand
 oops.. more berry picking pics

 Seriously the worlds best Grandma
 someone LOVED strawberry picking
 Lemonade stand 5 years running

 Then we hit up the highlands carnival with Tallie and Reese

 Swimming at the YMCA.  Makenna said that this picture if Mia makes her laugh so hard that she wants me to print it out for when she is having a bad day ;)

Dancing and Dad's....

Father's Day weekend we went to a local brewery with live music and Mia ate it up, its so amazingly fun to watch your kids drink.  Then we had Father's day at our house with my family.  Fun family times :)

 Bud eats by himself now!

 Oh and haircut #5

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ryan is 9 months....

This guy kills us!  He is now FINALLY quite the little sleeper, obviously by the look of his legs a great eater, he laughs if everyone else is laughing, he claps, waves, says Dada, and is now eating little finger foods! He scoots on his hiney but is not crawling at all which I am not complaining about since I am pretty sure he will be a little tornado!

Keeping busy.....

Around here we are waiting for Summer weather and trying to stay busy! 
Last week I watched the Nenna's and Emy came over with her kids.  Rylee Makenna and Alex decided to dress Mia up and send Mia and Kobe to the prom.  These pictures kill me!!!!

 Then we roasted smores (Mia's first time)

 Yesterday we went to Fox Hollow farm for some fun play time.  LR loved it especially cause he was riding in his little blue car.  He could live in this thing. Check out the progression of LR and the proximity of the pigs.....

 Oh man I love this pic!
 Train Ride!
 Pony Ride.  Quote of the day from Mia (while 2 inches from the horses face) "I love your pony tail!" and "Mom, when I grow up and be a horsey I will eat hay, ok Mommy?"
 Grandma and Ryan