Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On Sunday we hiked Rattlesnake ridge with Auntie Sissy Chris and my Dad.  The weather was amazing and since everyone else in my family loves hiking I sucked it up and went with them ;)

Greenlake with Auntie Sissy

Last Saturday Sissy and I took the kids to walk around Green Lake for the day! We played, exercised, saw fisherman, saw turtles, and ate. Success!! Here are some pics from our day....

Friday, April 20, 2012

World's Longest Hop-Scotch

The Nenna's have been hanging out with us this week and Mia is in heaven! They made the worlds longest hop-scotch and taught Beez to catch worms :) We couldn't love having them anymore!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mia's Birth-DAY......

On Tuesday we had family over for Mia's actual birthday! It was so much fun for her to celebrate with family! Here is her princess set-up :)
Just a little pre-Vegas pic for me and Uncle WampyBud Bud and Auntie Sissy-LR loves a party!Oh and I forgot Rapunzel came to the party too...Makenna Brittini and Mia playing bendaroos.Jody came too!and of course Auntie Tam TamGrandma made Mia a princess cake-it was GLAMOROUS!!!!My 3 year old!!!Lil' Ryan is so happy about sissy's partyGrandpa and MiaMia's exciting gift.... A FISH which was named Cadillac then Madagascar and now Kurcheck (the big gorilla from Tarzan) We will see what it will be tomorrow!

Big Girl Bed

We moved Mia to a big girl bed last Sunday and she LOVES it! I on the other hand cried like a baby!!!! She is not a baby anymore she is a KID!!!!!Align Center

Mia's 3rd Birthday Party

We had Mia's 3rd Birthday Party at the place that she has gymnastics. Mia had so many friends there and loved playing with all of them.
Check Spelling

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Alki Beach

On Monday we went to Alki Beach because the weather was amazing and they tide was at one of the lowest points it would be all year! It was beautiful and all the kids felt great finally getting to run around outside in fairly warm weather!
Lil' Ryan's first time at the beach! He loved it so much he decided to do a face plant in the sand resulting in sand up his nose in his eyes and ears!!! Poor guy, better luck next time Bud Bud :)