Monday, May 23, 2011

Note to self.....

Mia is TOO young to go to the movies! Ryan has been wanting to take her for a while now so he convinced me to go, it started out great she loved it and after 45 minutes we left. The movie sucked anyways, Rio, don't waste your time! Oh and another lesson we learned orange Fanta has caffeine and between the sugar and caffeine high we were cleaning up puke at 10 p.m. Please take notes on the lessons that we learned and save yourself, time, money and puke detail!!!!


Last week the hubby and I headed down to Las Vegas for some QT before our 2nd small friend shows up which is very quickly approaching! It was the first time that we had left Mia for a trip and the first time I have been more than an hour away from her, I was very sad the day before we left but as soon as we were free it was amazing. We had so much fun just talking, eating, laying by the pool and laughing! Yup, here we are taking a cab through in-n-out, oh how I could eat there everyday!

Our cab driver was pretty awesome, he was loving taking our pictures.
Oh pool time, how amazing! We were both fried but didn't care cause its been 8 months since we had seen the sun!

We made a quick stop at the M&M store for Beez!

We played this game for hours!

We also made a couple club biggie.

Look for these pics on TMZ

Bloody Mary's by the pool! (obviously mine is virgin but still freakin cost 8.50!)

I decided to take a bit of pickle for the first time since so many pregnant women love them, for the record I am still not a fan!

Tam Tam's game!

A couple weeks ago we went to Tam's game to cheer her on! It was a great game and I even made Mia a shirt to help support Tam and her team! Great news Tam's team made it to the State tourney so we are headed to Lacey on Thursday and Friday to cheer her on!

Look how big Bobo is??????

Oh cute, Bobo and his GF :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Last week my Mom and I took Beez over to Spokane to see GG and Papa! We had so much fun at thier house Mia got to explore the farm and she loved being able to run for days, play with the animals and soak up love from GG and Papa. Here is Mia on the way over....happy until she realized that she was going to sit in the car for 4 hours but she ended up doing alright for a busy 2 year old.

Getting eggs with Grandma

Uncle Jimbo Mia and Papa

Tub time in the big tub

Helping GG do some work

Just comparing bellies, I have him beat and I am not flipping my Mom off I am just holding oreos!!!!

4-wheeler time with Papa, it made me so happy to see Mia riding with him. When I was little I lived to ride behind him on the 4-wheeler through the hills behind the house. My Grandma and Grandpas house was my most favorite place in the world and at 29 it still is.

Papa and Mia feeding Poppy

Cousin Sammie playing with Mia

Grandma Billie with all her kids for a mothers day dinner.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tam Tams game!

It's softball season again and Tam Tam has Mia itching to play some softball! We love going to her games and she is doing so awesome. She plays for Mount Si's varsity team and also for a select team. She has play-offs next week and we Mia can't wait!

Bobo is a great help at the games and according to him, "Mia is a chick magnet."

Mia loves Tam Tam

In other news Bobo has a girlfriend-one of Tam's teammates, so naturally he is so happy to come and cheer on his big sis!!!!!