Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gracie's First Communion

I have been meaning to post this for a while but my little flower girl grace had her first communion a while ago and she was absolutely fantastic! Her dress was beautiful and she also had gloves a veil and a purse to match!
At her party there were cookies with all the kids names on them-they even had one for Mia :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun Busy Weekend!

This last weekend was packed with fun events! On Friday night we had a reception of our friend Laura and her husband Jeff.

We headed out to Snoqualmie with the kids to play around on the trains!

Of course Mia loved it! What doesn't she love???? Oh wait I know she doesn't love to sleep through the night!!!!! Oh well you can't win every battle :)

Racing on the tracks (don't worry no trains were on this track)

Ok, I know it looks like I am losing but I promise I won! Take that Tam Tam :)
Here is Ryan's version of putting Mia in the car!
On Saturday night Erinn (my boss) had her 40th Birthday party! It was a blast, Ryan and I got our grove on!

Then on Sunday we celebrated Ryan's moms birthday at our house.
And Mia had a sleep-over with Cameron, she thought this was REALLY funny.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kelsey Creek Farm

Today Mia my mom and I all went to Kelsey creek park in Bellevue. Its great they had goats, cows, a pig, horses, sheep, chickens, ducks and bunnies. Mia loved it, we had great weather and it was not crowded at all. The best part though.....ITS FREE! We will be going back there for sure.

"I so scared of the bunny rabbit Mom"

Saying hi to the Sheep.
Smelling the flowers

What a little peeper......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fab Mothers Day!

I had a fantastic mother's day weekend! On Saturday we enjoyed Pike Place Market, the weather was beautiful I got flowers and crab. Mia loved it and was saying hi to everyone. Then on Sunday I got to work out Ryan made me breakfast and we went to Emerald Downs with my family and Mia got in her first win picture. I hope all the other Mothers out there had a fab day as well!

The yelling did scare her a bit....You can tell when you look at her face

Mia just loved riding the train to the races :)
In the paddock waiting to saddle the "horsies"
My mom's cousin Tim is a trainer at Emerald Downs
I am pretty sure Mia is already bigger than some of the jockys

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Miss Grandma and Grandpa

My Mom and Dad are freakin stuck in Ireland cause of this ridiculous volcano. Things are falling apart here with out my Mom, :) I had a torn stomach muscle that she didn't know about, Mia got the chicken pox from the chicken pox vaccine and Grandma wasn't here to diagnose her, Mia puked on her carpet it stinks and I need my Mom's carpet cleaner and I don't know how to use it, my sister has a sty on her eye, Debbie Downing needs her poppy seed recipe, who knows what my brother needs from her but I am sure its something and I can't tell you how many times I've needed cooking advice! Come home Mom and Dad! Anyways here is whats been going on I was staying with the girls all last week while their parents were out of town. We kept very busy and had fun but are happy to be back sleeping in our own beds :)
Mia's first time to Rain forest Cafe (her face says it all)

First time touching the sand
"What is this stuff"

Notice her hair sticking out the sleeve of her onsie.....